Mission Statement
Mary Queen of Ireland National School is a primary school under the patronage of the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, catering for boys and girls from Junior Infants to Sixth Class of all nationalities, cultures and faiths.
We recognise and appreciate the uniqueness of our pupils and all the members of our school community. Our inclusive school meets the terms of the nine grounds as listed in the Equal Status Act 2000. As per the act we do not discriminate on grounds of gender, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race, or membership of the traveller community. Our small class sizes and tailored learning support programme allow us to carefully attend to the individual needs of all of our students.
We follow the philosophy of positive psychology and endeavour to help our students to thrive as happy, resilient and respectful individuals.
We strive to nurture the spiritual, moral, cognitive, emotional, imaginative, aesthetic, social and physical dimensions of our pupils.
We aim to instil a love of learning that will remain with the child throughout life and that will express itself in an enquiring mind and a heightened curiosity.
We aim to enable the child to participate as active, responsible citizens in society, with a special awareness of the affects their actions may have on themselves, others and their environment.
We promote ecological and sustainable living as well as healthy diet, physical fitness and positive mental health and well-being amongst our pupils and our school community.
As part of our school ethos, our day begins and ends with a prayer and prayers precede meals. Suggested prayers are found in the Grow in Love Programme.
We provide a caring, happy and safe learning environment where the pupils feel happy and the teachers and staff feel fulfilled, motivated and supported.
Our school motto, “At the Heart of Learning” reminds us that we are a centre of learning in the community. We are committed to making links with all members of the community; parents, management, church, local agencies; with a view to developing relationships and realising opportunities that will benefit and support the extended family of Mary Queen of Ireland National School.